One of the big concepts we introduce to all our landowners is combining forest thinning with prescribed fire (thin and burn). We have learned that combining a thinning operation in advanced of or in combination with prescribed fire can greatly accelerate the restoration of your forest land. It can also make it easier to reintroduce fire in to long unburned stands. With so many new landowners becoming involved with the SPBA we thought it would be good to combine these two practices into one demonstration.
Please join us this Thursday, March 16th at 5:00 p.m., along with our mentor Terry Sharpe to tour a property on the edge of the Sandhills/Piedmont that is moving towards Longleaf but has mixed hardwood/pine stands with heavy clay soils. Terry will lead us on a tour of the property discussing different techniques landowners can use to accomplish thinning in their forest stands. This will be followed by a small prescribed burn in one of the stands.
If you can join us, please send a text message to 910-603-1052, so we know who to expect, and if the burn is cancelled, we will let you know. Also, we will send you the address.