Join the Sandhills Prescribed Burn Association and ForestHer NC for an opportunity to learn about burning in the Sandhills region of North Carolina. We will be burning in a longleaf pine ecosystem to maintain the diversity of native warm season grasses and restore wildlife habitat.
Controlled burns, or prescribed fire, is the planned use of fire under predetermined weather and fuel parameters to obtain specific management objectives. And sometimes, even after hours of planning, the weather decides to not cooperate. Burn managers know at least a few days in advance if fire weather is going to be good to burn. Our current burn date is May 4, with May 5 and May 6 as backup. Please keep all three dates reserved as workshop possibilities. The agenda will be the same regardless of the date.
5:00 pm: Meet at burn location
5:30 pm: Briefing and logistics
7:30 pm: On-site community dinner (provided)